Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weekly Weight-In Wednesday

So, in case you didn't notice, I missed posting my weigh-in for the last few weeks. Life has been crazy busy with sick kids and the holidays and life with a zillion kids and no sleep! I haven't made tons of progress weight-loss wise in the last few weeks, either...which hasn't been super exciting or inspiring....but I have to keep on keep'n on anyway!

For a brief re-cap: my last posting on Nov. 17, I had lost 4 pounds. (man, I would kill for a loss like that again!) The following week, Nov. 24 (the day before Thanksgiving,) I only lost 1/2 a pound. Then the next week, Dec. 1, I lost 1 whole pound....though that week did include Thanksgiving, so I was super pleased with my one pound loss. That brings us to today's weigh-in! I lost another whopping 1/2 pound. This brings me down to 145.5.

It's so crazy to think that 3 weeks ago my weight loss for one week totaled 2 pounds more than I have lost in the 3 weeks since!! It's crazy frustrating and sad....but this is real life I am dealing with here. Even though I have accomplished so much and lost so much weight and feel so much better physically, I still struggle. The issues that helped contribute to me being so over-weight in the first place have not just magically evaporated away with some of my fat; they are still there and still affecting me. When I am stressed out and/or missing out excessively on sleep it is worse. I also still have little freak out moments (sometimes moments last weeks...) where I feel like I can't possibly do this and, even if I do manage to succeed, there is no way I can possibly maintain this for the rest of my life! I freak out when I see super slim people at the gym working out for hours at a time (which I do now to lose the weight, but don't want to have to do for the rest of my life!) and hear them talk about never eating anything but "health" food. I freak out when I'm tired and stressed and all I want to do is put something in my mouth and chew it up and swallow it, then repeat. I freak out when I think about how easy it would be to slide back into my old ways of living. Freaking out is just so freak'n easy!!

I have to CONSTANTLY keep reminding myself that this is MY journey and MY life; comparing myself to others always leaves me with the short end of the stick and just serves to bring me down when I can't measure up. Me being and sustaining health through out the rest of my life will be what I need it to be and won't look like anyone else's life but my own. Right now, I really don't know exactly how it's all going to work for me. I do picture lots of hikes and bike rides and yoga with my daughters and rock climbing with my husband. I picture lots of yummy, whole foods and veggies and fruits as my main snacks. I know I will strength train at least twice a week (most likely at home once my gym membership is up) and continue working on becoming stronger and stronger. I know group sports and jogging are things I'd like to continue if not increase in my life as well. I know I will still need to use cardio equipment a few times a week to maintain my fitness level as much and how often I guess will have to be determined through trial and error.

But before I can find out what maintaining a healthy lifestyle looks like for me, I still have a way to go to reach my weight-loss goal. My goal originally was to get to 135...and then maintain my weight between 135 and 140 for the rest of my life. Now that I am only 10 pounds away from that goal, I think I need to go a bit lower than that because I still have a LOT of extra fat...more than 10 pounds worth. Although my new goal of 132 is only 3 pounds less, I feel like maintaining my weight between 130 and 135 is what is going to work for me. It'll be harder, but I think it's best.

I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do this week/month to give myself the little jolt (and kick in the rear) that I need to sprint to the finish line...but I'll find it....and I'll make it to that finish line!


  1. Heidi, I know you wrote this a while ago, but I just finally read it and just want to tell you that I think you are absolutely incredible! It's crazy how much we women have to beat ourselves up and how much we have to try not to compare with others...but, just so you know, you look AMAZING! and you're definitely inspiring others! Very, very impressed and just want to have lunch sometime so we can swap healthy lifestyling tips!!! ;-) --Mel

  2. heidi, thanks for the post in FB to Becky-Oh so that i would see it and go back here to this great blog. in reading your post i can see myself so strongly that i am all-around inspired to do what i have set out to do with more vigor than i had before reading it. thanks for doing this blog. it would be great to have some updated stuff in here, but what you've done so far is awesomely inspiring and helpful beyond anything you might imagine.
    thank you. thank you. i am still at the top as far as my own determination to succeed in my own challenge to lose the weight and be fit and tip-top in health. i feel amazing already since getting the good kick-start at your place for those 3 weeks. it did seem short because i was hacking and sick for part of it, but for me it was a great start for my own program, which is going great. i have needed to slow it down some since the class i went to yesterday{COREFIT} did a move that created some pain in my lower back. i called my chiro and had a visit about what it could have been, we hit it on the nail and now i'm taking it easy and icing and using tiger balm on all my sore body and feeling good about it all. ilove you so much and do wish to live in your vicinity! more later...
    my first real weigh-in is this monday. excited.
